Adding another element of art to the Square Mile City, four large scale sculptures created by Brooklyn sculptor Tom Fruin will be on display in Sinatra Park, Monroe Center Plaza and Church Square Park through March 15.
Technicolour, a multi-color art mural that spans 225 foot across and 60-feet high on the west wall of Municipal Garage B on Hudson/2nd, was recently completed. The artist for that project was Michelle Hoogveld, who used more than two dozens colors and 1,510 cans of spray paint to complete the project with her team in about two weeks.

The Hoboken Business Alliance and the city’s Art Committee Advisory Committee worked together to secure and implement the installations as part of an effort to activate public spaces and keep art in focus throughout the year.
Fruin’s work has been on display in public spaces in Austria, Prague, Turkey, Vienna, Argentina and Copenhagen and throughout the U.S. He uses colored plexiglass and a patchwork of patterns to design “overlooked infrastructural shapes” such a water towers, windmills, and of course, houses. One of his first installations was the iconic 20-foot tall Watertower in Brooklyn’s Dumbo neighborhood.

The four large scale installations here are collectiveley called “Home in Hoboken.” The installation features the Hi-5 House at Sinatra Park Amphitheatre; Street Ministry at Monroe Center Plaza, and two Icon Camp Houses at Church Square Park. Stop by to enjoy them and the space they are in.